Floating: The Ultimate Wingman for New Year’s Resolutions

Floating: The Ultimate Wingman for New Year’s Resolutions

As you consider what changes you want to make in your life for the new year, it’s worth also spending some time thinking about how you are going to make sure that you actually follow through with them. There are people who joke that their main New Year’s resolution is...

Alone but not Lonely

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” – Pascal. According to Pascal, we fear the silence of existence, we dread boredom and instead choose aimless distraction, and we can’t help but run from the...

Fight or Flight… or Float

You’ve probably heard of our fight or flight response – when we’re presented with stressful or threatening situations (like being chased by a hippopotamus), our body’s autonomic nervous system responds by preparing for action. Our heart rate increases, our breathing...

Promising New Research into Floating for Anorexia Nervosa

From helping with anorexia nervosa, to regulating the immune system, to reducing general and acute anxiety, new findings on floatation continue to flow out from researchers around the world. While much of the science news these days is taken up by stories and...