What is Cold Water Immersion (CWI) and what is Contrast Therapy?
The use of cold exposure to promote good health is an ancient practice, dating back many centuries. In modern times, cold exposure is used primarily to reduce muscle soreness and promote muscle recovery after physical activity. However, regular cold exposure can also improve glucose and lipid metabolism, decrease inflammation, enhance immune function, improve cognitive performance, and activate longevity genes. The beneficial effects of cold exposure are due to hormesis, a favorable biological response to a mild stressor. Hormesis triggers protective mechanisms that provide protection from future, more harmful stressors.
At Lost in Float we offer an oversized Cold Plunge tank that undergoes constant circulation and filtration and can fit up to two people.
Contrast therapy involves combining hot and cold therapies so in our case we combine the Finnish Sauna with the Cold Plunge. We call this the “Fire & Ice” method.
How it works:
We have one Cold Water Immersion (CWI) tank (The Cold Plunge) and a Finnish sauna located in your own private suite equipped with shower. There is a timer to make sure you don’t overstay the session. All services are on a first come first serve basis. We recommend transferring back and forth between the Cold-Water Immersion (CWI) and the Finish Sauna in accordance with your desired protocol.
Popular Contrast Therapy Protocols:
There are many, and there are none. Protocols can range day to day depending on your mood or objective. Anywhere from dipping your toes so to speak to pushing yourself a few more mental walls further than your last approach. One day, you may decide to begin on cold for a couple mental walls, followed by a 15/20min sauna session and then back into the plunge. Its really is up to you. However, before embarking upon your journey of Fire & Ice, its important you understand this isn’t a contest, there is no extra reward for going the longest nor getting the hottest or coldest. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger isn’t necessarily an accurate statement here, getting TOO hot (hyperthermia) or getting to TOO cold (hypothermia) can absolutely be harmful! This is where Dylan Thomas and we differ, therefore, DO go gentle into said good night.
Your goal is to build a relationship with the adverse mimicking effects of both hot and cold. Basically, don’t be lazy, but don’t be crazy! As we state in the wavier, no more than 5 minutes in the plunge at a time.
Again, take it easy, build those relationships, don’t be afraid to push past some mental walls but don’t try and win silly prizes or bragging rights. This is your journey and your journey alone. As Mark Twain says, “Comparison is the death of joy!”