Based off very good documentation

  • Reduce Pain
  • Improve muscle range, tone and control
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Stress Management and Relaxation
  • Lower Blood Pressure, Stress Hormones, etc.
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Increased creativity, originality (recall and recognition)
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Enhanced learning & cognitive performance


 We have some data but have to be careful on what we claim

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Type A personality, obsessive compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, PMS, & others
  • Chamber vs. floatation REST
  • Altered states, hypnosis, meditation
  • Pleasant memories
  • Mood enhancement
  • Easing physical discomfort, e.g., pregnancy; grief


Many Recent and past studies with very good documenation

Reduce Pain

Turner & Fine, 1984; Wallbaum et al. 1982, Mereday et al. 1990; Borrie, 1993; Jenssen 1993; & others
Kjellgren et al., 2001; Bood et al. 2005; Landstrom et al. 2007; Edebol et al., 2008

Improve muscle range, tone and control

Francis & Stanley, 1983: Mereday et al.  1990; Turner et al. 1993: Sniffen et al. 1990: Borie et al. 1993; DeTurk et al. 1990
Aparecida et al., 2015

Reduced stress and tension

Fine & Turner, 1983; Turner & Fine, 1983,1985; Turner et al. 1987; Jacobs et al. 1985; Suedfeld et al. 1985; Schultz & Kaspar,1994; Koula et al. 1987; and others
Norlander et al., 1999; Kjellgren et al., 2001& others

Return to Work

Cahn, 1983 Asenlof, 2007; Bood 2006

Stress Management and Relaxation (multi-measure)

Jacob et al.  1985: koula et al. 1987;  Turner et al. 1987
Aparecida et al. 2015; Bood et al. 2006

Lower Blood pressure, stress hormones, etc

Fine & Turner, 1982,1985; Turner et al. 1987, 1989; BUT Schultz & Kaspar,1994

REST is not just a placebo

Bood et al., 2005, Kjellgren et al. 2009, & others

Performance Enhancement
Increased creativity, originality (recall and recognition)

Baker, 1985; Forgays & Forgays, 1992; Suedfeld et al., 1987
Norlander et al. 1998; Vartanian & Suedfeld, 2011

Improved athletic performance

Mahoney, 1985: Lee & Hewitt, 1987; McAlaney et al. 1990; Suedfeld & Bruno, 1990; Suedfeld et al. 1993: Wagaman et al. 1991; Barabasz, 1992; McAleney et al. 1990
Norlander et al. 1999

Enhanced learning & cognitive performance

Taylor, 1985; Francis, 1985; Mahoney, 1990
Sandlund et al. 2001


We have some data but have to be careful on what we claim


Case Study; controlled study ongoing (soon hopefully we will ahve enough to move it to the what we know category)

Asenlof et al. 2007; Fibromyalgia Flotation Project, 2012

Type-A personality, obsessive compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, PMS, & others

Pilot studies: Small N, no control group, and/or no objective measures
Forgays & Forgays, 1994: Goldstein & Jenssen, 1990; Barabaz & Barabasz, 1993; Edebol et al., 2009

Chamber vs. floatation REST

Unreplicated qualitative literature review

Suedfeld & Borrie, 1999

Altered states, hypnosis, meditation

Anecdotes, self-reports, science fiction
Lilly, 1977; Hunt, 1985; Barabasz, 1993; Norlander et al. 2001; Kjellgren et al. 2008, 2010; & others
Pleasant memories
Small N, single sutdy, self reports
Suedfeld & Eich, 1995

Mood enhancement

Self-report studies, some from float customer; qualitative “data”
O’Leary & Heibronner, 1985; Rank & Suedfel, 1978; Barabasz et al. 1993; Pudvah & Rzewnicki, 1990; Suedfeld & Eich, 1996

Easing physical discomfort, e.g., pregnancy; grief

Anecdotal (self-) reports


Basis of REST effects: Theory

Budzynski, 1985; Wickramasekera, 1978; Schwartz, 1987; Bross, 1987; Hunt, 1987; Suedfeld et al. 1994

Optimal uses of chamber and flotation REST

Seudfeld & Borrie, 1999

Optimal periods & number of floats in REST effects

No data related to flotation REST

Bood et al. 2007